Sunday, May 20, 2007

What is Bohemian Chic?

Bohemia is a gypsy word meaning "good home." That’s the simplest definition of the word. But of course, it was co-opted by Henri Murger in the 19th century when he wrote about himself and his friends -- all starving artists -- in his book Scenes de la vie de Boheme. Suddenly Bohemia became the good home of the artists, not just the gypsies.

This is a way of life that I have pursued with passion and I hope that you will too. You may ask yourself why? Well, it is one of the reasons why this blog has come into being – to share those reasons and to share my passion for the philosophy of bohemianism and a lifestyle based on it that I call Bohemian Chic. It is a simple way of living in harmony with the earth and all life forms, but also a super-creative and artist way of life. If you are already an artist, you will understand this intuitively. If not, then there is much you will be able to learn here that will deepen and enhance the richness and vibrancy of your life.